Thursday, April 29, 2010

Term 2: Week 3: The Muscles

What a week! We managed to fit 5 days worth of activities into 2 days!!
We have been learning all about our muscles this week - how they contract and relax to make every single movement of our bodies possible... walking, running, smiling, blinking, painting and drawing to name but a few. We had a lot of 'body building' type poses in the class with children showing off their muscles.

Following on with Our Body theme, our life skill this week was sewing. We used needles and wool to sew around face shapes and give them some really interesting hair styles.

The children (and Morahs) are all very exctied about the trip to the Green Point Football stadium on Friday. We continue with our countdown in class, taking turns to put up the next football on our chart each day. As we get closer to the day we will be focusing more on the teams and flags and countries taking part.

Looking forward to reporting back on our trip and to another wonderfully busy week next week.

lots of love from
Morah Lana

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Term 2 Week 2 The Heart

Wow ... another busy and exciting week for Class Bet downstairs.

We started off our week by celebrating Israel Day on Monday.

Our theme of The Body was expanded on this week as we learned about the vital organ which beats about 10 000 times a day in each of us... Our Heart. The children listened to their own heart beat and felt their pulses and we looked at many books and posters of pictures of our insides and learned about the facts and functions of the heart in our groups.

We traced around a child from our class to create a life-sized body poster. Each week we will be adding organs and parts of the body to it, with labels, to create a 3D poster within the classroom. We are also learning the names of the body parts and organs in Xhosa with Caleb to add to our poster.

To tie our theme into the whole curriculum we played games of counting heart shaped beads, did a maths worksheet of heart shapes in sum form and of course baked delicious heart shaped biscuits. The children loved the measuring, mixed, stiring, kneading, rolling and cutting but their favourite part was of course the eating!
The children also made colourful and tactile (rough and smooth) heart shapes collage.

On Wednesday we celebrated Morah Candice's birthday. The children made her cards and wrote her messages for her special day.

Our letter of the week was 'i' and as ever the children came up with lots of ideas of words beginning with 'i' - insect, ikky, india, Israel, Ingrid to name but a few. We made a picture of an igloo using little ice bricks (styrofoam) which the children had to use to build their igloo.

The World Cup is but 48 days away now and we started our countdown in the classroom using a poster and football counters. Each day we cover up a number and the countdown continues.

We send Daniel, Adin and Noah love and a speedy recovery, as well as Morah Candice who was off sick today.

Looking forward to another busy week next week - even though it will only be a short week. Have a fun-filled long weekend.
Until next week, much love
Morah Lana

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Term 2:Week 1: Welcome back

Welcome back to all the children in Class Bet downstairs.

This week has been a busy week settling in and catching up on all the news of the holidays. News time was extra long on Monday to accommodate all the exciting stories of the past two weeks away from school.

The children are enjoying the new activities which are on the shelf this term to tie in with our theme of the body and being healthy. This will also tie in later on in the term to our World Cup theme, but more on this later in the term.

On Wednesday during Xhosa we helped celebrate Caleb's birthday with a rendition of 'Happy Birthday to you' sung in Xhosa.

Class Bet also welcomes Gabrielle to our class who moved to us from toddlers. We are very happy to have her as part of our class.

Looking forward to reading your comments and to lots of blogs to follow.
Much love from Morah Lana