Thursday, June 3, 2010

Term 2: Week 8: World Cup

This week has flown by but has been very busy within the classroom.

We started off the week by celebrating Simonne's 6th birthday. We had a lovely birthday ring on Monday morning which included her mom Shelley showing us a beautiful photo timeline of Simonne's life from birth to the present day. We also got delicious cup cakes and 3 pot plants for the classroom. Thanks very much to Shelley, Jack and Simonne.

We continued our theme of World Cup and our count down to the start next week. We made flags - painting, colouring and gluing to make the different countries flags. We also made football pitches on green card board and focused on the shapes - rectangles and circles on the pitch and hexagons on the sphere football. The children have especially enjoyed playing the finger football game this week and scoring many goals to the cheers of their friends.

Our letter of the week was 'p' for puppy. We glued a picture of a puppy with floppy ears and paw prints to decorate. Other words the children came up with were poppy, pizza, pasta, pop, pineapple, porcupine, pink and princess to name but a few.

We will do baking next week to make gingerbread footballers and have a football dress up day on Wednesday as it is the last day of the term. We might even get to kick a ball around in a Class Bet football match! Looking forward to it.

Much love,
Morah Lana