Thursday, July 15, 2010

Term 3 - Week 1 - Welcome Back

Hi there Moms and Dads

Well the first week back at school has been quite exciting and emotional, not only for myself but I am sure for the children too.

From a personal point of view being away during the day from my beautiful little baby Demi has been a challenge, but thank goodness for all my children who have managed to fill the gap during the day. Each day is getting easier and I am really happy to be back in the saddle! Thank you so much to all the children and parents for the heartfelt warm welcome after my 4 month absence, it has really made my week a joy. It is questions like the one asked by Daniel Haynes in Thursday's morning ring "Morah Tanya, hows your baby doing?" that have made all the difference, thank you Daniel :)

The enthusiasm over the World Cup was still evident this week with all the kids and I am sure it has been an experience they will not forget anytime soon - I know I won't. The unity felt throughout South Africa over the past 6 weeks has been a great platform to lead us up to Nelson Mandela's birthday on Sun 18th July 2010. To mark the occasion the kids made friendship bracelets this week as well as bracelets reflecting his prison number whilst incarcerated on Robben Island

The balance of the week has been spent easing back into things and with the children exploring and enjoying all the new activities out in the classroom.

Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom and a warm weekend. Go Bokke!

Lots of love till next time
Morah Tanya

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