Thursday, July 22, 2010

Term 3 - Week 2 - Parts of a Bird

Hi there Moms and Dads

Well a rolling stone gathers no moss and boy things are surely rolling along in term 3.

This week we have been exploring the parts of a bird and what makes birds unique in our vast and great animal kingdom? Feathers, yes feathers are probably the most defining characteristics of the bird and our kids had great fun putting these "feathers" to good use making their very own birds. This weeks bird theme was also quite fitting as it was also a great way to explore the letter 'b' with beaks, bananas, boats, butterflies and balls to name but a few being the hot topic of the classroom discussions.

In life skills we learnt one way to beat the winter blues by making our own soup. The kids learnt to peel potatoes, chop carrots and dice turnips together with few other yummy vegetables.

Sticking with food Naor brought the biggest avocado I have ever seen for all of us to admire and eat. Every one had a chance to cut it open and use the avo slicer to cut it into slices. It was then thoroughly enjoyed as our midday snack. We also celebrated Musya's birthday, which fell over the holidays. Cinnamon and sugar pancakes smothered in syrup were the order of the day.

To end off the week we put our unique Sinai Academy spin on build a bear and instead built some birds from the various cut out body parts, cut out by the children. I am sure they will make great fridge decorations.

Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom and a fantastic weekend.

Lots of love till next time
Morah Tanya

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