Thursday, May 13, 2010

Term 2: Week 5: The Senses

This week we have been finding out all about the world around us through our senses. We have smelled and tasted and felt and listened and seen so many different things.

The fun began with us tasting different foods - sweet sugar, bitter coffee, sour lemon and salty choips. There were some really funny faces pulled when we tasted the lemon. But big smiles when we tasted the sugar and the salty chip. The bitter coffee caused a bit of confusion for some... although we litererally tasted a drop of coffee on our finger, some children were very reluctant. One even said "No I cannot taste it. Coffee is not for children".

We enjoyed listening to mystery sounds - bells, a stapler, paper rustling and a cell phone ringing. We also of course worked with all our lovely Montessori Sensorial materials such as the fabrics and tactile tablets, the sound boxes and the colour boxes. All of these involve matching two of the same sounds, texture or coloured but isolates each sense per activity.

Our letter of the week was 'n' and although the obvious choice was "n for nose" we actually chose to do "net". This ties in with our football theme and the children made their own goal net with netting and sucker sticks for the posts.

During ring time we have been talking about our 10 Sinai classroom agreements. This ties in with our information groups with Morah Sarah on the Ten Commandments. We made our own version of the Torah with our own agreements on it. The main theme of the agreements is respect... Respecting Hashem, respecting our world, respecting our parents and Morahs and respecting our friends.

So we have had a busy but fun-filled week and wish you a restful and enjoyable weekend.
Much love,
Morah Lana

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