Friday, May 21, 2010

Term 2: Week 6: Shavuot & Healthy eating habits

Well another short but busy week. This week saw the preparation for Shavuot and the children decorated their boxes for the fruit donations. As we had been learning about our bodies and senses, we decided to decorate the boxes with finger print flowers. The children also coloured in flowers and drew pictures of flowers which they then glued onto their boxes.

Thanks to the parents for their generous donations of the fruits. This gave us the opportunity to link this in with our Healthy Eating habits theme. We talked about the different fruits and the children were very quick to tell us their favourites (and not so favourites).

We celebrated Layla and Kaylee's birthdays this week. Layla turned 5 and Kaylee turned 4. Thanks to their parents for joining us for their birthday rings and for the lovely donations of cultural puzzles from Kaylee.

We wisk Kiera well and look forward to seeing her back at school on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend.
Much love,
Morah Lana

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