Friday, May 28, 2010

Term 2:Week 7: World Cup

During class this week we have been learning a bit about the history of soccer and the build up to The World Cup. We have been looking at the different countries in the competition and their flags.

The children copied flags to colour in and the older ones also wrote their own country names. We did a maths worksheet where we had to count footballs, boots, goals and players. They even had a go at drawing their own footballers.

Our letter of the week was 'g' for girl and we all made a pretty girls with long ponytails. Onthe practical life shelf we have a bow frame where the children can practice to tie bows. They got to put this into practice when typing bows around their wool hair. The older girls also loves making their own woollen plaits.

For life skills we made some football player puppets with pegs for legs. They are all lined up in the Class Bet World Cup team. The children looked through the library books for inspiration for their choice of colour for the shirts.

So football fever is high in class bet and we continue more of this next week.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Much Love
Morah Lana

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