Thursday, August 5, 2010

Term 3 - Week 4 - Nesting and Eggs

Hi there Moms and Dads,

Well this week we learnt about nest eggs - OK maybe not the kind humans build, but rather the ones our feathered friends do.

Just like humans, birds build nests to protect their eggs and chicks to ensure they have the best chance of survival out in the wild. Actually not that different to our own reasons? I am sure however, that we do not use twigs, mud, grass and leaves to protect our "nest eggs" or leave them in trees but rather in a bank!

The children also explored the different types of eggs that various birds lay, from the large strong egg of the ostrich to the tiny fragile egg of the humming bird, not to mention the yummy chicken egg we enjoy in our daily diets. Thanks to Naor for bringing in an actual ostrich egg and skeleton bone for us all to see and touch.

In between all the fun facts and learning we had a great time in life skills making our very own nests and eggs out of salt dough and then painted them. We also put our artistic talents to good use and made some egg counting booklets.

The consonant 'c' was our letter of choice this week and the kids came up with some interesting words for example camera, camel, caterpillar, candy floss and candle to name but a few.

Happy 4th Birthday to Keira who celebrated her birthday during this weeks Shabbat ring.

Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom and looking forward to updating you on nexts weeks theme which will be the life cycle of the bird and it's eggs.
Lots of love till next time
Morah Tanya

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