Thursday, August 26, 2010

Term 3 - Week 7 - Creepy Crawlies

Hi there Moms and Dads,

Well if your skin isn't crawling by now, maybe this weeks theme will get you going - its the great big world of creepy crawlies! The dictionary defines these as animals that creep or crawl so thats exactly what we set out to discover.

From spiders and centepedes to snails and earthworms we had our work cut out for us in learning about the unique make-up and habits of these creatures. Did you know spiders have 8 legs and not 6 like insects or that a snail carries it home on its back for protection unlike the slug, who sadly is homeless. Thanks to Kaylee and Romi for bringing us some real live snails from their gardens to inspect.

Now if the kids thought that being a creepy crawly was an easy job, I think that life skills showed them just how amazing these animals really are as they tried their hands at making thier very own spider webs from ribbon. We also explored the letter "e" coming up with words such as egg, elephant, envelope and end.

In preparation for Rosh Hashanah in 2 weeks time we begun making bookmarks for grand parents day on the 7th of September. the kids are really excited for both of these upcoming events as I am sure you are all aware.

Next week we will really be sinking our teeth into the Jewish New Year, so please put those thinking caps on and bring any relevant materials for us all to expereince and enjoy.

Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom.
Lots of love till next time
Morah Tanya

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