Thursday, August 12, 2010

Term 3 - Week 5 - Life Cycle of the Bird

Hi there Moms and Dads,

Birds of a feather flock together and how do we gets flocks? That’s right through reproduction and this was the basis for this weeks learning and activities.

To understand the life cycle of the bird we carried out a sequencing activity which took us through the various stages of the birds life which the children had to put in the correct order - of course in order to be successful with this exercise they had to remember which came first: the chicken or the egg? It was also explained during this exercise what makes an egg kosher, of course that being the absence of a blood spot.

In art we made our very own little chicks out of cotton wool, naturally painted them yellow and stuck beaks and eyes on them. We then converted empty egg boxes into nests for them to sleep in.

Thank you so much once again to everyone who has brought books, pictures and objects for our theme table. Next week we move away from the theme of birds and begin to explore the creep crawly world of insects.

This weeks letter was “k” which proved a little tricky for the kids as it phonetically sounds the same as "c". They did however manage to rattle off some appropriate words such as king, kangaroo, koala and kite to name but a few.

A big “Sinai Academy” happy birthday to Adin who turns 4 this week.

Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom.
Lots of love till next time
Morah Tanya

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